So far, we have been working with a single table of data at a time. Often however, information about the same observation or experiment is scattered across multiple tables and files. In such cases, we sometimes want to join those separate tables into a single one. To illustrate how this can be done, let us create two simple tables. The first will contain the names of students, along with their chosen subject:
# A tibble: 3 × 2
name year
<chr> <dbl>
1 Sacha 3
2 Alex 1
3 Jamie 2
Notice that, while Sacha and Alex appear in both tables, Gabe is only included in studies and Jamie only in stage. While in our tiny tables might seem like an avoidable oversight, such non-perfect alignment of data is often the norm when working with data spanning hundreds or more rows. Here, for the purposes of illustration, we use small tables, but the principles we learn here apply in a broader context as well.
There are four commonly used ways of joining these tables into one single dataset. All of them follow the same general pattern: the arguments are two tibbles to be joined, plus a by = argument which defines a join specification of the columns by which the tables should be joined. The join specification can be given using a helper function called join_by. It simply receives the names of the columns to use for joining.1 The output is always a single tibble, containing some type of joining of the data. Let us now look at each joining method in detail.
The left_join function keeps only those rows that appear in the first of the two tables to be joined:
left_join(studies, stage, by =join_by(name))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
name subject year
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Sacha Physics 3
2 Gabe Chemistry NA
3 Alex Biology 1
There are two things to notice. First, Jamie is missing from the name column above, even though s/he did appear in the stage tibble. This is exactly the point of left_join: if a row entry in the joining column (specified in by = join_by(...)) does not appear in the first table listed in the arguments, then it is omitted. Second, the year entry for Gabe is NA. This is because Gabe is absent from the stage table, and therefore has no associated year of study. Rather than make up nonsense, R fills out such missing data with NA values.
This function works just like left_join, except only those rows are retained which appear in the second of the two tables to be joined:
right_join(studies, stage, by =join_by(name))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
name subject year
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Sacha Physics 3
2 Alex Biology 1
3 Jamie <NA> 2
In other words, this is exactly the same as calling left_join with its first two arguments reversed:
left_join(stage, studies, by =join_by(name))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
name year subject
<chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 Sacha 3 Physics
2 Alex 1 Biology
3 Jamie 2 <NA>
The only difference is in the ordering of the columns, but the data contained in the tables are identical.
In this case, the column subject is NA for Jamie. The reason is the same as it was before: since the studies table has no name entry for Jamie, the corresponding subject area is filled in with a missing value NA.
This function retains only those rows which appear in both tables to be joined. For our example, since Gabe only appears in studies and Jamie only in stage, they will be dropped by inner_join and only Sacha and Alex are retained (as they appear in both tables):
inner_join(studies, stage, by =join_by(name))
# A tibble: 2 × 3
name subject year
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Sacha Physics 3
2 Alex Biology 1
The complement to inner_join, this function retains all rows in all tables, filling in missing values with NAs everywhere:
full_join(studies, stage, by =join_by(name))
# A tibble: 4 × 3
name subject year
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Sacha Physics 3
2 Gabe Chemistry NA
3 Alex Biology 1
4 Jamie <NA> 2
9.1.5 Joining by multiple columns
It is also possible to use the above joining functions specifying multiple columns to join data by. To illustrate how to do this and what this means, imagine that we slightly modify the student data. The first table will contain the name, study area, and year of study for each student. The second table will contain the name and study area of each student, plus whether they have passed their most recent exam:
# A tibble: 3 × 3
name subject examPass
<chr> <chr> <lgl>
1 Sacha Physics TRUE
2 Gabe Chemistry FALSE
3 Jamie Biology TRUE
And now, since the tables share not just one but two columns, it makes sense to join them using both. This can be done by specifying each column inside join_by in the by = argument. For example, left-joining program and progress by both name and subject leads to a joint table in which all unique name-subject combinations found in program are retained, but those found only in progress are discarded:
left_join(program, progress, by =join_by(name, subject))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
name subject year examPass
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
1 Sacha Physics 1 TRUE
2 Gabe Chemistry 3 FALSE
3 Alex Biology 2 NA
The other joining functions also work as expected:
right_join(program, progress, by =join_by(name, subject))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
name subject year examPass
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
1 Sacha Physics 1 TRUE
2 Gabe Chemistry 3 FALSE
3 Jamie Biology NA TRUE
inner_join(program, progress, by =join_by(name, subject))
# A tibble: 2 × 4
name subject year examPass
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
1 Sacha Physics 1 TRUE
2 Gabe Chemistry 3 FALSE
full_join(program, progress, by =join_by(name, subject))
# A tibble: 4 × 4
name subject year examPass
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
1 Sacha Physics 1 TRUE
2 Gabe Chemistry 3 FALSE
3 Alex Biology 2 NA
4 Jamie Biology NA TRUE
9.2 Binding rows and columns to a table
Occasionally, a simpler problem presents itself: there is a single dataset, but its rows are contained across separate tables. For example, a table containing student names and subject areas might be spread across two tables, like this:
# A tibble: 4 × 2
name subject
<chr> <chr>
1 Jamie Geology
2 Ashley Mathematics
3 Dallas Philosophy
4 Jordan Physics
The tables have the exact same structure, in that the column names and types are identical. It’s just that the rows are, for some reason, disparate. To combine them together, we could recourse to full-joining the tables by both their columns:
full_join(studies1, studies2, by =join_by(name, subject))
# A tibble: 7 × 2
name subject
<chr> <chr>
1 Sacha Physics
2 Gabe Chemistry
3 Alex Biology
4 Jamie Geology
5 Ashley Mathematics
6 Dallas Philosophy
7 Jordan Physics
This, however, is not necessary. Whenever all we need to do is take two tables and stick their rows together, there is the simpler bind_rows:
bind_rows(studies1, studies2)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
name subject
<chr> <chr>
1 Sacha Physics
2 Gabe Chemistry
3 Alex Biology
4 Jamie Geology
5 Ashley Mathematics
6 Dallas Philosophy
7 Jordan Physics
Similarly, in case two tables have the same number of rows but different columns, one can stick their columns together using bind_cols. For example, suppose we have
# A tibble: 3 × 2
year examPass
<dbl> <lgl>
2 1 TRUE
3 2 TRUE
We can now join these using bind_cols:
bind_cols(studies, yearExam)
# A tibble: 3 × 4
name subject year examPass
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
1 Sacha Physics 3 FALSE
2 Gabe Chemistry 1 TRUE
3 Alex Biology 2 TRUE
9.3 Exercises
We have used the data of Fauchald et al. (2017) before in other exercises, in Section 7.4 and Section 8.6. As a reminder, they tracked the population size of various herds of caribou in North America over time, and correlated population cycling with the amount of vegetation and sea-ice cover. Two files from their data are pop_size.tsv (herd population sizes) and sea_ice.tsv (sea ice cover per year and month).
Load these two datasets into two variables. They could be called pop and ice, for instance. Look at the data to familiarize yourself with them. How many rows and columns are in each?
Before doing anything else: how many rows will there be in the table that is the left join of pop and ice, based on the two columns Herd and Year? Perform the left join to see if you were correct. Where do you see NAs in the table, and why?
Now do the same with right-joining, inner-joining, and full-joining pop and ice.
Fauchald, Per, Taejin Park, Hans Tømmervik, Ranga Myneni, and Vera Helene Hausner. 2017. “Arctic greening from warming promotes declines in caribou populations.”Science Advances 3 (4): e1601365.
It can also do a lot more. You can check its help page (?join_by) after you finish reading this chapter—by that time, it will make much more sense.↩︎